
Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when there is a disruption to the fascial support systems in the pelvis. This can be due to physical stretching in childbirth or due to hormonal changes or aging affecting the muscles and fascia in the pelvis.

You may feel a heaviness in your pelvis, or a sensation like a tampon that is not inserted correctly in your vagina or you may be able to see or feel a bulge at the entrance to your vagina.
You may experience changes to your bladder and/or bowel function like leaking or not being able to fully empty when you go to the toilet.

How Can We Help

If you suspect you have a prolapse it can be very frightening. It is important to get properly assessed but try not to panic. A thorough women’s health assessment will identify whether you have a prolapse and what treatment may help you. The assessment may include an internal vaginal exam but this is optional and will be fully discussed with you at the assessment. Treatments may include pelvic floor muscle training, pelvic floor release techniques, postural correction, breathwork and lifestyle management advice.

Book Now

Please book a Mummy MOT if you have children under the age of 6 or a Women’s health assessment if you have older or no children.

pelvic health concerns